Ruins of Gedi – one more coastal attraction of Kenya – the ruins of Swahili ( Suahili) city close to Malindi in the rainforest. Built in the 13.-14. century. The population was estimated to be over 2500 and the town was abandoned in the beginning of the 16th Century
This kind of a view opened from the viewing platform. And the platform itself was built up in a big tree.
Anyway – a surprisingly strong construction. Due to the recent rain the steps were wet.
How come this tree could grow up from both sides over the ruins - remains a mystery to me.
Kikepeo Butterfly Project - it is a butterfly farm located a couple of hundred yards away.
Kikepeo – it means butterfly in Swahili.
Shooting butterflies means that they they usually fly away before focusing the camera. The result is very similar while trying to shoot a lizard - what is left in the picture is the tail or even less.
A decent display of the butterflies.
Here are some photos of Mombasa downtown.
Electricity and phone lines are up on the posts even in the centre of the city.
Local public transport – a minibus or „matatu“. So they drive. It is said that there is a serious accident almost every week. Actually, considering their way of driving, it is of no surprise.
This is suburb already. Car wrecks everywhere by the road. And it is not slum. Heading from Mombasa downwards along the coast.
The distance between Mombasa and Nairobi is almost 500 km., which means that the distance should be covered in one day. Theoretically it is possible , but as to me - there was still left over 100 km for the next day. Because driving in the city of Mombasa took more time than planned. And the big road was full of big cars. Which means that from time to time you must drive a long distances with 40 or even more slowly. When it was getting dark it was obvious that Nairobi will not be reached and better find an overnight place and continue in the morning.
This kind of Highway Hotel was by the road. The rooms for sleeping had no windows and were very simple. Camping there meant that one could park the car by the house and and at night a security guard was watching there.
And on the second floor there was a bar or a restaurant And locals played billiards and surprisingly the early `60 s Beatles music came from the speakers. Very unique and surreal situation.
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